ClientView Pty. Ltd. Australia is committed to protecting the privacy of the users
of this website.
We may automatically record details about any computer used to access this website
(such as the IP address, domain name and browser type), the date and the time of
access and details of information downloaded. This information is not capable of
identifying you.
Information provided by you, such as e-mail address, name, address and telephone
number, is used only for the purpose for which it was disclosed. We do not publish
personally identifiable information collected through this website.
This website may use cookies. Cookies are pieces of information stored on an individual’s
computer and are used for customising site information to improve user experience
and tracking user navigation. If you are concerned about the use of cookies, you
can set your browser to refuse cookies or warn you when cookies are being used.
We do not send out unsolicited advertising material (SPAM) via e-mail.
ClientView may however from time to time, provide information updates relating to MSIC requirements.
We take all reasonable security measures to protect personal information from loss,
unauthorised access or modification. We reserve the right to gather more extensive
information about any attempted access to this website that raises security issues
and, if appropriate, make disclosures to the relevant authorities.
This website will be continually improved and up-dated. This may change the way
we manage personal information. The content of this internet privacy statement may
be up-dated from time to time to reflect any changes.